the orange chaise
Statement of Faith
I believe The Bible is living and active…the inspired and authoritative Word of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, it is capable of transforming the lives of those who follow its life-giving principles. In it God makes plain his breathtaking plan for all of creation and His passionate heart for all people. The Bible is an infallible, authoritative life guide for our training, encouragement, correction, and equipping for every circumstance and call on our lives.
I believe that God eternally exists as three persons… the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His nature and His character never change. He is our source of life, all powerful, holy, righteous, kind, loving, compassionate, all knowing, always present, and intimately personal.
I believe that Jesus, the Son of God, is One with the Father, and existed with the Father and Holy Spirit before time and creation began. He is the exact representation of the Father and came to show us what the Father is like. His incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, death, substitution and atonement for us…His resurrection, ascension and position at the right hand of the Father, and His second coming are established truths I stand on and am completely grateful for.
I believe the Holy Spirit is present and active in all believers, to reveal truth to us, illuminate the Word of God, stir our hearts to faith, bring correction and conviction, and empower us to live as Jesus does. He is our counselor, comforter, and perfect advocate. Without the Holy Spirit’s power, we are not able to grow, obey with joy, or live in the fullness of abundance that God longs for for each of us.
I believe the Holy Spirit gives Spiritual gifts for the building, equipping, and powerful ministry of the body of Christ here on the earth. I believe the Father wants His children to fully understand how He designed and equipped them with spiritual gifts for accomplishing His will in partnership with Jesus, and advancing HIs Kingdom in the earth.
I believe that sin began the moment humanity questioned the kind intentions of God, and has ever since resulted in thoughts, actions, and mindsets that are independent of His plan for His children and His creation. Sin resulted in separation from God, from the One who knows and loves us best. Salvation is the invitation of God to return to His heart, and experience forgiveness and reconciliation to the fullest extent. Salvation is made possible only by the sacrifice of the life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus, who alone paid the price for sin. Salvation is available for all people who receive and believe in the finished work of Jesus on our behalf…a gift accessible by faith alone. Salvation is just the beginning of our life relationship with God. He continually works in and through us in the process of elevating us to new levels of faith and belief, and partners with us in our development as we cooperate with His life-giving ways.
I believe the Church is purely the body of all believers in Jesus, a beautiful bride committed to her Savior, alive and active through His Spirit on the earth, purposed to do what Jesus did…share the incredible relieving news of His gospel, heal the sick and broken-hearted, and bring deliverance to all who are held captive by the weight of this world.