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the orange chaise
Out of Order
This morning, an arctic-feeling January Sunday, I met with a young bride-to-be. This is just the sort of thing that casts a warm sunny...
The Place of Really Seeing
They say you can see three states from here. “Here” refers to what seemed a rickety observation tower atop the tallest peak in...
The Treasure Room
Here’s the wild and unbelievable story of our beginnings. That is, the story of our life that began twenty years ago on May 18th, 2000. ...
To Be First
First is a word, a status, a moniker bundled with meaning. It connotes something different for each of us, but also strikes a theme that...
Walking Backwards
“Climb the reading mountain Jackie!” That was my daily encouragement to my son as he patiently plodded through “A-A-apple. B-B- ball.” ...
Stepping Up to the Platform
It all began with a song. I remember it clear as day. Practicing “Greensleeves” for weeks on end, scrawling my name on the sign-up...
A Bridge Named Team
Hilariously, I crack open a book titled Yankees ’98 Best Ever. Me, the girl whose greatest insight into the game of baseball is “If you...
Bringing in the Color (Zinnias at the Sink)
All through August the oranges, yellows and pinks of bright Zinnias bloom and bob down in the garden. I can see them from the window. ...
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