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you on purpose

You On Purpose One-on-One Sessions
With initial free consultation $1500
2-hour-long sessions
Course takes approximately 6 months 

(Payment plan available)

You On Purpose Gift Discovery Group Workshop
Materials included, inquire for pricing
(Recommended one-on-one sessions
to follow) 

You On Purpose Beginnings One-Day Workshop
Materials included, inquire for pricing 


You On Purpose is a personalized growth course. In the context of one-on-one sessions, we discover your unique design through the study of the spiritual motivational gifts, and what it looks like for you to actually live purposefully out of your design, rather than from someone else’s design, or from a place of brokenness or woundedness. The result is not only personal transformation, but also living out the birthright you were made to fulfill.

You On Purpose Gift Discovery Workshop for Groups and Teams is designed to help leaders, groups and teams better understand their unique and diverse motivational gifts so they can be focused, highly effective and fulfilled in their roles. In an engaging and interactive workshop format, we explore:  


The Biblical Foundation for Spiritual Gifts


The Romans 12 Motivational Gifts


Behavioral Traits and Values of the Gifts


Discerning Your Primary Gift


Biblical Examples


What Your Gift is For...Birthright and Inheritance


Relational Impact: The True Power of the Gifts


Suitable for a half-day workshop or a retreat session.


You On Purpose Beginnings is a one-day workshop experience. Kim designed this event for anyone who is at a crossroads in life or ministry, anyone who wants to better understand and explore their Spiritual Motivational Gift, anyone who longs to solidify their sphere of influence and Kingdom purpose and mission. This is where we begin your what's next! Come settle in for worship, teaching, activity, testimony, and most importantly, time and space alone with Jesus.






I am beyond thankful that I did the You on Purpose sessions with you Kim Bonvissuto! It has been absolutely transformational for me! The way I view myself and others has changed in amazing and positive ways. Finding my purpose through how God has specially wired me has given me more peace and freedom than I ever thought possible!

For any friends looking for the “right next step,” this is a great way to unlock road blocks or “sandpaper” relationships you may be facing right now. It was my right next step and I’ve been blown away by how God has used it in my life!

Beth Estabrook

Wealth Management Advisor

Estabrook & Company

The impact of how You on Purpose transformed my life and ministry is hard to put into complete wording because this journey is still having a high impact on me! Even though my sessions with Kim are concluded, the work Jesus started is ongoing! I have done many other personality and spiritual gifts tests and I can say, none of them compare to what I have learned about the redemptive gifts (gifts of grace) from Romans 12:4-8.

Identifying my redemptive gift brought clarity, understanding, and healing into my whole life, the lens in which I see things, and why I operate the way that I do! The "whys" were answered and freedom was gained through the breakdown of the redemptive design God gave me. What Jesus has done in this journey has sharpened my focus in personal relationships and pushed me to be more like him!

In ministry, I am now walking with even more confidence in who he designed me to be, my unique birthright in Christ, and how I am to walk out my time here on earth for his glory! This journey has been one the best investments I have made to date! Zero regrets! I have only gained!

Krystal Woods

Speaking. Advising. Formational Prayer

Seasons in the Vine

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